Production Blog: To Expand My Mind
Procrastination is my worst enemy. There is nothing worse than procrastination taking over my brain. For the past few days, I have done absolutely nothing. Are you seeing the pattern? I am. I will have these random bursts of energy, creativity, and inspiration to splurge it all on this project or doing my other schoolwork. Then soon behind that, I will feel tired and burnt out. Is that not the saddest thing you have ever experienced? Anyway, let me stop this negativity. I shall remain optimistic. Why, you may ask? I will be visiting a place of color, fun, smiles, one that is decorated with pure happiness and maybe a bit of frustration. Despite the congestion and heat of it all, I am ecstatic to go. Behold, the Swap Shop! Almost everyone in South Florida has visited or spent the day at the Swap Shop. It is exactly what it sounds like, but I like my depiction better. A large thrift store. Sure, there are some things that are overpriced, but for the most part, everything is pretty reasonably priced and accessible. Not to mention, the Swap Shop is accepting of all cultures so they have varieties of clothing and foods, which is exactly what I plan to go for. I wanted to expand the wardrobe for this project so that the characters I have created are portrayed to their greatest extent. I think this could go well, aside from my frugal way of spending, but I think I can manage. We shall see how this goes!
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